Error 2203: Database: C:\Windows\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi. Cannot open database file.

I was trying to update my Visual Studio 2017 to 15.8.2, when I got an error installing Microsoft.VisualStudio.MinShell.Msi.  The installer gave a link to a log file that had the follwoing error:

DEBUG: Error 2203:  Database: C:\Windows\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi. Cannot open database file. System error -2147287037
After much head scratching and plenty of googling I saw a reply to a post on a forum where someone had changed their System Environment Variables for 'TEMP' and 'TMP' to a non existing folder. :D
Turns out that is exactly what I had done.  I have been running our of space on my C: drive and had changed my environment variables to a folder on another drive.  Problem was I never created the folder.  So a quick folder create and my problem was solved and Visual Studio installed without a problem.



Thanks for this!

I had similar problem and error message with VMware Converter Agent "Error 2203: Database: C:\Windows\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi. Cannot open database file."

I found your post and our customer's Hyper-V host somehow didn't c:\windows\temp folder, after re-creating it VMware Converter Agent installed normally.

Hope this helps someone :)

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